On returning from Auschwitz - preview
For every generation the remains of Auschwitz stand as a reminder of the inhumanity of the human race. Anthony Simpson-Pike, a student at Ackworth School, shares his thoughts on returning from a visit as part of the national Lessons from Auschwitz project
I came back from Auschwitz feeling more than ever that I must stand up for justice in a world where people are happy to do nothing I asked myself: 'where was the world when Rwanda cried out?' That question made me wonder how much had really been learnt from Auschwitz But it is the future that counts and I have learnt lessons that I will apply to mine Foremost, I learnt that I must always take action for others lest no one take action for me I will remember Auschwitz forever, and I will always fight so that the lessons from Auschwitz can never be forgotten So what have I done to reflect this?
Anthony Simpson-Pike
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