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Gangmasters Licensing Authority claims success
Government efforts to crack down on exploitation of workers are beginning to bear fruit
The Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA), set up after the deaths of twenty-three Chinese cockle pickers at Morecambe Bay in 2004, has now licensed 1,200 employers to work in the agricultural, horticultural and shellfish-gathering sectors Last month the GLA completed its first prosecution of an unlicensed gangmaster
'We exist to bring together all the different aspects of employment law', said GLA chairman Paul Whitehouse, who explained that because his agency looks at the whole scope of activities carried out by gangmasters, it can see how lots of little infractions add up to major abuses of workers' rights
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News round-up Wardens suffer as Meetings fall foul of metal thieves
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Jez Smith & Mary Cook Letters On returning from Auschwitz
Anthony Simpson-Pike ‘Fur das Kind’
Audrey B Insley Have we been getting it wrong?
Judy Kirby Two Caravans at BYM
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