Three special places - preview
Painter R N Clarke explains why these cemeteries and memorials are special places to him
Not so far from my home in Stafford are three special places Special because they give genuine worth and dignity to the lives of particular individuals, and in so doing give meaning to all our lives
Cannock Chase’s German War Cemetery (see cover), Commonwealth Cemetery and Katyn Memorial are all to be found, just a few hundred yards from one another, in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
The German Cemetery contains the graves of 4,940 German first and second world war dead and the Commonwealth Cemetery contains 385 graves of British, New Zealand and German first and second world war dead The Katyn Memorial commemorates the lives of 14,000 members of the Polish armed forces and professional classes executed or massacred in Poland’s Katyn Forest during the second world war
R N Clarke
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Joe Mugford Saving the bees – an update
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For better, for worse
T J (Bill) Schaeffer Mayors and morals
Robin Waterston Friends Provident
Lyn Wilson Letters
Woolgathering: having no goal in mind
Ian Wright Three special places
R N Clarke Talk and tango
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Craig Barnett A new landscape
Sarah Alldred Q-eye: a Quaker look at the world
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