the friend online
21 August 2009


A heart to help - preview
A Heart to Help: an introduction to the work of Quaker prison chaplains by Maureen Miller
  • ISBN: 978 0 9532305 2 5
  • £6 + £1
  • 50 p&p
  • Order from Southport Meeting, Court Road, Southport PR9 9ER

  • No one can enter a prison without becoming aware that this is undoubtedly one of the extreme environments of life
  • Prisons are places of constant movement
  • They are authoritarian and they are regimented
  • They bring together the violent, the immature and the weak-willed

  • It’s a bit like standing at the crossroads of extreme human experience and meeting it head-on as it hurtles towards you from all directions

  • Joolz Saunders

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    In this week's online edition... rss edition

    Quaker wins right to promote alternatives to military service in Wilkes County, NC, schools
    Lydia Smith
    Global Change: Friends worldwide to look at the issues
    Oliver Robertson
    Learning from experience: a new QPSW project
    Lydia Smith and Oliver Robertson
    Friends Provident takeover: what will it mean for customers?
    Philip Barron
    From the core of our being
    Robin Brookes
    Facing the challenge
    Judy Kirby
    Moving forward for all
    Angus Winchester

    ‘Write to Life’
    Sheila Hayman
    The Backhouses: Quakers and botanists
    Trish Carn
    A heart to help
    Joolz Saunders
    Three haikus
    Peter Horsfield
    The top ten reasons (plus three) why bottled water is a blessing
    Chuck Fager
    Q-eye: a Quaker look at the world


    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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    most recent comments:
    Letters, Ala
    Quaker approach to business under the spotlight, David Hitchin
    Tackling the pay gap from both ends, anonymous poster
    Some more equal than others?, anonymous poster
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    The centrality of worship, Andrew Hatton, Maldon LM, Essex
    In the care of the Meeting?, chrissie hinde
    Lockerbie grief and justice, Jennifer Barraclough
    The centrality of worship, Peter Arnold
    The top ten reasons (plus three) why bottled water is a blessing, Fee Berry
    Letters, David Hitchin
    Marriage and committed relationships, Fee Berry
    George Fox and same gender partnership, Chris Bagley
    Marriage and committed relationships, Chris Bagley
    Meeting for meditation?, Barry
    Meeting for ‘weorthscipe’?, Gerard Guiton
    Report shows that all is not well in multicultural Britain, chrissie hinde
    Johann Sebastian Bach and the Jews, Peter Arnold
    Prisons: our growth industry, Peer Arnold

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