the friend online
16 January 2009


Child soldiers campaigners look to 2009 - preview
Child soldiers campaigners look to 2009
Campaigners against child soldiers are beginning the year with a push to end their use

  • The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers is aiming to collect a million ‘red hands’ to present to the United Nations on 12 February, while in Britain Quakers are backing a drive to prevent under-eighteens being recruited into the armed forces

  • The ‘Red Hand Day’ initiative seeks to present statements against the use of child soldiers to the UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon on the anniversary of the international treaty on child soldiers coming into force
  • Those involved, young and old, have been encouraged to send a message to the UN together with a red print of their hand; the red hand is the symbol of the Child Soldiers Coalition

  • Oliver Robertson

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    News round-up
    Oliver Robertson
    Child soldiers campaigners look to 2009
    Oliver Robertson
    European Quakers seek way forward on climate change
    Gerald Conyngham
    What is a Local Ecumenical Partnership?
    Michael Langford
    Jackie Fowler & Barbara Forbes

    Is this really what you meant to happen?
    Judith Baker & Gillian Ashmore
    Quaker art work project
    Nick Tyldesley
    Arts reviews
    Bob Ward & Fred Watson
    Gently Move
    John Lampen & David Boulton
    Originality and religion
    Michael Oppenheim

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