Do we need a Quaker Universalist Group? - preview
Many Friends, understandably, view the ‘listed informal groups’ with some suspicion Doesn’t belonging to such groups deflect Quakers from putting their available energies into running Local Meetings, Area Meetings, central committees – and too few to do it all? Well, all right, if you feel led to concentrate on one area of activism, like civil liberties or concern for animals… but those Universalists don’t do anything useful, do they?
Looking back on thirty years of the Quaker Universalist Group (QUG), I want to argue quite passionately that it was needed and still is For what QUG focuses on is the very core of Quakerism, spiritual experience Just as George Fox and his associates, within their necessarily Christian framework, discovered that access to the divine can be unmediated and open to all, so in the wider world of 1978 someone needed to assert that spiritual experience is evidently known to people of all cultures
Anne Ashworth
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In this week's
online edition...
Judy Kirby and Clare-Marie White Kenya: where are we now?
Eden Grace Cluster munitions protestors charged
Oliver Robertson News roundup
Oliver Robertson Nuclear disarmament: turning the vision into reality
Kat Barton and Paul Ingram Do we need a Quaker Universalist Group?
Anne Ashworth Empowerment through women’s literacy
John Lampen Letters What Tom, not a Quaker?
Rowena Loverance An insight into Joseph Rotblat
Ioan Thomas The Friend appeal leaflet
David Olver An advocate for the unheard
Ron Kentish cover
Many sides of Oliver Postgate: children's television animator and New Statesman blogger
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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