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The killing of Jesus Christ
As an ethnic Jew I find it difficult to send Christmas cards to my Christian friends I tend to write a letter, or compose a card of my own, using a phrase such as ‘your Saviour’s birthday’ rather than ‘Christmas’ And I have already sent this year’s batch
One of the recipients of these greetings recently contacted me and the conversation turned to Jesus ‘And the Jews killed him’, said my friend This came over as though I was being blamed personally I have thought over the circumstances of Jesus’s death and would like to share these opinions
Michael Oppenheim and Robin Hawes
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Caroline Westgate and Daphne Stedman 'Merry Global Warming'
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Michael Oppenheim and Robin Hawes Letters Films, violence and us
Zoë Ainsworth-Grigg Cuban artist exhibits at Friends House
Rowena Loverance An interview with Juan
Anne Hosking Does God respond to prayer?
Philip Barron Books in brief
Greta McGough Quaker chairs with a story?
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