Quakers debate the big issues - preview
Two Quaker-run lecture series have been tackling major issues of our time. Caroline Westgate writes about the Hexham Debates, while below Daphne Stedman details the London Quaker Dialogue
Building a culture of peace
The second series of Hexham Debates began with over 200 people cramming into a hall to hear veteran peace campaigner Bruce Kent speak
Bruce spoke for forty minutes and took questions for fifty, in a tour de force of wide-ranging ideas expressed with an engaging warmth and humour Bruce, vice-president of CND and of the Movement for the Abolition of War, pointed out that the culture of war is all around us In a short walk through Hexham he had spotted five war memorials and a plaque commemorating the 1761 Hexham Riot ‘Of course we must honour those who died in war’, said Bruce, who served in the military, ‘but we should work to ensure that there are no more dead, especially because in modern warfare civilians suffer the biggest casualties’
Caroline Westgate and Daphne Stedman
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news@thefriend.org Quakers debate the big issues
Caroline Westgate and Daphne Stedman 'Merry Global Warming'
Stuart Donnan Comment
Michael Oppenheim and Robin Hawes Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Films, violence and us
Zoë Ainsworth-Grigg Cuban artist exhibits at Friends House
Rowena Loverance An interview with Juan
Anne Hosking Does God respond to prayer?
Philip Barron Books in brief
Greta McGough Quaker chairs with a story?
Roland Carn Letters extra
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