Einstein and Eddington BBC2 22 November - preview
“We’ve all heard about Einstein, but what about this other chap?”
Every schoolchild knows of Albert Einstein Do they know who Arthur Eddington was? Unlikely In every big story there will be two voices (at least) – a mover and an enabler, but one may well be heard louder In the story of penicillin, for example, everyone knows that it was Alexander Fleming who discovered the mould which became a life-saving drug, but how many know the role of the Australian scientist Howard Florey who got penicillin into hospital wards?
And so it was with Albert Einstein and Arthur Eddington English science was in the shadow of Isaac Newton when these two geniuses were starting their challenging work at the beginning of the first world war ‘We know how the universe works, we just need to measure it’, says Oliver Lodge, one of the luminaries of the Royal Astronomical Society The Quaker astrophysicist Eddington was the director of the Cambridge Observatory and ‘the best measuring man in England’ So he was sent to discover why the German military were interested in the work of an unknown scientist called Albert Einstein The answer was not to the academic establishment’s liking, however Newton was about to be overturned The universe was going to be much harder to live in as previous certainty crumbled
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Crystal Dickinson Einstein and Eddington BBC2 22 November
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