the friend online
28 November 2008

Children, immigration removal centres and inoculations - preview
My daughter Janet intends to work in Ghana for five months from February 2009
  • Her NHS family practioners contacted us in September 2008 to set up the schedule for inoculations they consider essential: a booster for hepatitis A and typhoid, paid for by the NHS
  • Additionally, we must pay for yellow fever and hepatitis B
    (both compulsory for visitors to Ghana), rabies, meningitis and the appropriate course of anti-malarial pills to be taken before and during her travels, plus a mosquito-repellent sleeping net
  • The total cost will be about £300, but not to spend that money could easily prove fatal

  • Crystal Dickinson

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    Geneva Declaration success
    Oliver Robertson
    A European Dream?
    Ian Flintoff
    Judy Kirby & Bob Miller
    An anonymous Quaker’s recovery

    A Kindertransport success story
    Stevie Krayer, South Wales AM
    Small is still beautiful
    Philip Bryers, East Scotland AM
    Children, immigration removal centres and inoculations
    Crystal Dickinson
    Einstein and Eddington BBC2 22 November

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