A year of chilling out - preview
John Calvi, a Quaker healer from Vermont and founder of the Quaker Initiative to End Torture, slows down and looks at the results of having time to think
A year ago I was finishing up another year of travel work and was quite weary I said goodbye to several people with chronic conditions I’d been working with over the years, stepped aside as founder and convener of the Quaker Initiative to End Torture (QUIT) and began my sabbatical My intentions were to rest and restore my body and mind for another twenty-five years of compassionate work I separated myself from work entirely – no teaching about trauma or torture, no touch work healing trauma I stopped reading six newspapers a day, got off ‘listservs’ and had an auto-reply for email: gone fishing
John Calvi
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Angela Schütz A year of chilling out
John Calvi q-eye
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