the friend online
26 September 2008

When a sex offender joins your Meeting… - preview

How does a Meeting – and those within it – manage when a sex offender is identified or starts attending?

It is now nine months since our small, rural Meeting held a special Meeting for Worship for healing within our community
  • We would like to share a little of what brought us to this place

  • The story started in 2001
  • X, a middle-aged, single man, began attending our Meeting on a regular basis
  • Soon afterwards, by chance, an elder of our meeting learned through a member of a Quaker Meeting in a town many miles away that X was currently awaiting trial for the sex offence of possessing indecent photographs of children
  • He had pleaded guilty
  • He received a non-custodial sentence and was placed on the Sex Offenders Register for five years
  • There was media coverage but this did not spread to our location

  • This is a preview of the full article - to see the whole thing, or to post a comment you need to login, or alternatively you could try a free sample!


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    News round-up
    Ways forward when there are too few people
    Oliver Robertson
    Christian statements: the search for unity
    Jane Fitzgerald
    Chris Martin & Gwen Jones
    When a sex offender joins your Meeting…

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    Can politics be less warlike?
    Alan Quilley
    New opportunities for public threshings
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