A celebration of life - preview
Siân Evans takes a journey through Dorothea S Harvey’s intensely personal landscapes
‘Celebration of Life’ is the memorial exhibition of paintings, wall-hangings and sculpted designs by Dorothea S Harvey (1928-2007) on show at All Saints Church, King’s Lynn The exhibition, curated and hung by her daughter Paula Harvey to celebrate her mother’s life and work as an artist, is vibrant in richness, texture and colour The powerful images are an intense experience, compelling the viewer to contemplate the nature of belief and the powerful emotions that they generate
There were three main influences in Dorothea’s work, which she sometimes referred to as a ‘full-time obsession’ Music gave her a language of colour, texture and movement that is clearly evident in the three pieces that make up the Listening to Music series from 2001 She used music and art in her teaching to reach out and support people with mental health problems – her ability to make contact with people was something that everyone who knew Dorothea experienced
Siân Evans
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Mission impossible? Friends seek to respond to the World Council of Churches
Judy Kirby Meeting for Sufferings - round-up
Judy Kirby & Stevie Krayer News - round-up
news@thefriend.org Actions speaking louder than words
Veronica Aldous Comment
Jez Smith & Mary Cook Letters
editorial@thefriend.org The battle with the bulldozers
Rolfe Evans Ways through the maze
Symon Hill A celebration of life
Siân Evans God as defendant: a television drama
Judy Kirby Peace and sustainability: one testimony
Paul Ingram
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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