the friend online
12 September 2008


Ways through the maze - preview

The Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 3 September 2008.

Listening to The Moral Maze is not an activity I would recommend to anyone in a calm mood who wishes to retain it
  • Emotions run high as panellists question witnesses on a topical ethical issue
  • Last week’s subject of paedophilia led to discussions on punishment, treatment, condemnation and redemption – all in forty-five minutes

  • Victims were mentioned surprisingly infrequently by most of the contributors
  • The Sun columnist Jon Gaunt ranted condemnation while refusing to consider whether his language helped to reduce or perpetuate child abuse
  • However, psychiatrist Sam Warner helpfully suggested that hysterical language makes the situation harder for children who do not tend to see their abusers – usually people known to them – as monsters

  • Symon Hill

    This is a preview of the full article - to see the whole thing, or to post a comment you need to login, or alternatively you could try a free sample!


    Simon Colbeck, 13 September
    I listened to the programme after reading this. Fully agree with your point about how the difference between right and wrong is learned. I was particularly struck by Jon Gaunt's referring to his own children and would have very much liked to ask him how his proudly defended demonisation of offenders might contribute to the treatment of those victims who become abusers while still children themselves. As a fostering social worker I am familiar with this cycle and the fact that adult paedophiles have often been both victims and perpetrators in childhood.


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    Mission impossible? Friends seek to respond to the World Council of Churches
    Judy Kirby
    Meeting for Sufferings - round-up
    Judy Kirby & Stevie Krayer
    News - round-up
    Actions speaking louder than words
    Veronica Aldous
    Jez Smith & Mary Cook
    The battle with the bulldozers
    Rolfe Evans
    Ways through the maze
    Symon Hill
    A celebration of life
    Siân Evans
    God as defendant: a television drama
    Judy Kirby
    Peace and sustainability: one testimony
    Paul Ingram

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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