Letters - preview
Finding a future for our Meeting
I would like to add my appreciation of ‘Finding a future for our Meeting’ (15 August) It provoked a definite warmth and response from me as we are also a small Meeting of mainly elderly members and attenders, no children and an average attendance of four We already have an agreement from our Area Meeting that we each undertake eldership and oversight Financially we still pay our way to our Area Meeting though it might be better to allow each person to decide the amount that they wish to give Paperwork is a burden and we bemoan the decimation of trees only for much of it to end in the bin Is there a way to reduce this wastage? Do other small Meetings have solutions to these problems?
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News round-up
news@thefriend.org Finland Yearly Meeting
David Penn The long roots of Georgia’s conflict
Oliver Robertson Inside and out: putting faith into practice
John Nicholls Comment
Harry Albright & David Birmingham Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Senior Conference Epistle 2008
Ruth Jesson-Smith and Will Rowland, clerks Convergent Friends: remixing tradition and imagination
C Wess Daniels Climate change, hope and the human condition
Greta McGough Saluting a female theatrical legend
Stephen Taylor Inner and world peace
Alex Melville-Mason Living adventurously – of no fixed abode
Jo Scott
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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