Starved of green - preview
Colin George recalls a visit to the Whitehead centre for Vietnamese refugees in Hong Kong
I ran into the Academy for the Performing Arts, in Hong Kong, and crept breathlessly into the back of the darkened auditorium A young Chinese actress – in the character of St Joan – walked to the front of the stage As the lights focused down tightly on to this slim, vulnerable figure she fell to her knees, looked heavenward and said, with a passionate intensity, something in Chinese which I did not understand The curtain came down on Shaw's play
Earlier that day, Shaw's St Joan was preparing for the first dress rehearsal at the Hong Kong Academy I was working there as Head of Acting in 1989 I had planned to be present, but I had also promised to visit the Whitehead Vietnamese refugee centre and that commitment came first I apologised to the Chinese director 'I'll catch the second act,' I said, as I stuffed a copy of Shaw's play into my pocket
Colin George
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News round-up Facing down the Obama-crunch
Oliver Robertson Ethical investment for Quaker bodies
John Marsh Comment
Barney Smith & Symon Hill Letters ‘We’ve seen a ground shift every day’
Jez Smith New light and truth
Rowena Loverance Reviews - Poetry of Silence / Better with lead?
Andy Stoller & Judy Kirby Starved of green
Colin George
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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