the friend online
25 July 2008


Reviews - Poetry of Silence / Better with lead? - preview
Poetry of Silence
Sitting inside a cone-shaped sculpture open to the sky outside the Royal Academy waiting for my Friend, I was becoming aware of space and light which Vilhelm Hammershoi's art has in abundance

  • The atmosphere is subdued as you walk into the Sackler Wing
  • All Hammershoi's paintings are in subtle shades of ochre, grey and brown
  • The main body of his work features interiors, mainly of his apartment in Copenhagen
  • All the rooms are very simply furnished, maybe just a table and chair, a piano, sideboard or stove
  • Curtains are deliberately draped and drawn back to reveal the window beyond
  • Both windows and doors feature prominently, letting in shafts of light which are reflected in the furniture or on the bare wooden floor boards
  • A feeling of simplicity and peace pervades each picture
  • These bare rooms are filled with light, and often have a portrait of his wife, viewed from the back
  • He obviously enjoyed the sensuous line of the nape of her neck
  • He painted her dressed in solid black or shades of Quaker grey, doing simple things, looking out of a window, sewing, placing a cup and saucer on the table; all have an air of familiarity and domesticity

  • Andy Stoller & Judy Kirby

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    News round-up
    Facing down the Obama-crunch
    Oliver Robertson
    Ethical investment for Quaker bodies
    John Marsh
    Barney Smith & Symon Hill
    ‘We’ve seen a ground shift every day’
    Jez Smith
    New light and truth
    Rowena Loverance
    Reviews - Poetry of Silence / Better with lead?
    Andy Stoller & Judy Kirby
    Starved of green
    Colin George

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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