the friend online
04 July 2008

Trusting the journey - preview

Mary Brown reflects on the first residential multifaith conference for prison chaplains

'The Christian religion is great
  • Christians should try it sometime', Indarjit Singh, director of the Network of Sikh Organisations UK and regular contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4, shared this quote from Gandhi at the start of the first multifaith residential conference for prison chaplains
  • He also gave us 'Indarjit's law': where two or three are gathered together with enough in common to see themselves as 'us', there will also be a 'them'

  • Over 400 chaplains from, I think, every prison in the country, representing all major faiths, met for one and a half days at the University of Warwick in April
  • The theme of the conference was 'Trusting the Journey'
  • There have been multifaith conferences before, but they were not residential

  • Mary Brown

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