Does it matter where it is spent? - preview
I work in a small staff team in a British university where we share a secretary Recently, in order to shed staff and save money, there was a call for voluntary redundancy with fairly generous severance pay Our secretary wished to take advantage of this offer to clear her personal debts One condition of the deal was that she could not be replaced from existing sources of funds A colleague in my centre, but not in my team, has just won several hundred thousand pounds from the government to evaluate some new work My boss decided that we appoint a new secretary for my team using some of this money
Name and address supplied & Jan Lethbridge
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News round-up A visit to America
Oliver Robertson Supporting domestic partnerships – a new approach?
Alick Munro, Kingston & Wandsworth AM Comment
Pamala McDougall & Andrew Wallace Letters Fritz Schumacher: an appreciation
Godric Bader The Committee for New Quaker Clichés
Chuck Fager Not much to laugh about in religion?
Judy Kirby Silent Light
Jez Smith, Southern East Anglia AM Does it matter where it is spent?
Name and address supplied & Jan Lethbridge How many wardens does it take to change a low-energy light bulb?
Su Chard
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