the friend online
20 June 2008


News round-up - preview
QUNO reports on plight of asylum-seeking children
The plight of asylum-seeking children coming to Britain has been thrust into the spotlight by the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)

  • As part of its submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which will meet in September to consider how well the UK treats children, QUNO raised concerns about the detention of unaccompanied children arriving in the UK
  • Siobhan Sparkes McNamara from QUNO, who researched and produced the report, said: 'It's about seeing asylum-seeking children as children first of all and treating them with the same levels of protection and understanding that we do with British children'


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    Circles of Support and Accountability: two voices from the centre
    Len & Rick
    ‘Enhearten, London’
    T Roger S Wilson
    Alison Leonard & Richard Stewart
    The plight of Colombian palm oil workers
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    Annette White
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    Matthew Naumann
    Dreamschemes: direction from God?
    Clare-Marie White

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