The animateur from the ambulance unit - preview
Mike Jenn, of North West London AM, traces the life of a community pioneer
Streetwide Worldwide by Tony Gibson Jon Carpenter ISBN 978 1 906067 03 8 £1499
Tony Gibson is one of the country's great community animateurs He knows, for example, that people talk together more easily if they are doing so while getting on with something practical When things are getting done, they are contributing other skills along with their thoughts and they are not face-to-face This incidental conversation ebbs and flows with informal pauses and is less open to manipulation Where tensions need to be eased a lot of progress can be made during the washing-up or in the community garden work party
Mike Jenn
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In this week's
online edition...
Quakers get real on same sex commitments
Stephen Cox News round-up Protests over academic freedom
Roger Sanderson The last respectable prejudice
Diane Brewster Comment
Jez Smith & Roger Sawtell Letters Loving and Losing Lilly
Eliza Johnston The animateur from the ambulance unit
Mike Jenn Can hope and history rhyme?
Susan Robson Seeds of change through song
Alec Davison William Penn School
Will Harris
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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