Letters - preview
Refurbishment of Friends House
I was surprised that the presentation at Yearly Meeting on the proposed options for refurbishing Friends House did not start with a strong statement on sustainability I trust that the environmental costs of refurbishing Friends House (both capital and running costs) will be at the forefront of trustees' minds as their thinking progresses
An excellent start has been made with the sanding of floors in the Large Meeting House, and I hope that existing furniture and fittings will be retained as far as possible (even if this means we don't always have uniformity of chairs, for example); likewise the good natural light and ventilation The proposed refurbishment is an excellent opportunity for radical conservation; I hope the opportunity to install solar water heating and power generation, top quality insulation and perhaps even a green roof will be actively considered
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, 28 June
Stephanie Grant, 18 June
There seems to be some mis-understanding here about how and when the YM epistle is to be read. The LM mailing for clerks reads: 'This month we are sending the Epistle from Yearly Meeting for reading out in your meetings this coming Sunday ...'
This does not, to me, imply any compulsion to read the epistle during the Meeting for Worship. It could just as well be read as part of the notices. I am new to clerking, but have been attending Meeting for Worship for many years, and have heard YM epistles read in Meeting for Worship and in notices. I am sure we should be guided by what feels right for our Meeting on that particular occassion, in this, as in other matters. I have read the epistle in Meeting for Worship myself in the past (when I wasn't clerk), and this year I asked someone who had been present at most of YM to read it for us, at the time that seemed appropriate to her.
Earlier this year one of our young people read us the epistle from Junior Yearly Meeting, also during Worship, which seemed entirely appropriate on that particular occassion.
Let us be flexible in this, and remember, as Ian K Watson points out, that if even one small part speaks to someone's condition, it is serving a purpose.
Stephanie Grant Co-clerk Watford LM
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Quakers get real on same sex commitments
Stephen Cox News round-up
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Roger Sanderson The last respectable prejudice
Diane Brewster Comment
Jez Smith & Roger Sawtell Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Loving and Losing Lilly
Eliza Johnston The animateur from the ambulance unit
Mike Jenn Can hope and history rhyme?
Susan Robson Seeds of change through song
Alec Davison William Penn School
Will Harris
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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