Quakers get real on same sex commitments - preview
Stephen Cox reflects on a conference examining the way forward on committed partnerships and same sex marriage
An inspiring and challenging Woodbrooke conference was also in many ways a reality check Soundings by Quaker Life and decisions by Meeting for Sufferings show that a great many Quakers are unwilling to treat opposite sex and same sex couples very differently A working party of six has been asked to produce specific proposals by the end of the year The conference, which drew on Area Meeting representatives, relevant committees and interest groups, had the same sense of urgency: the spirit of the conference was to try to treat all committed relationships the same Yet if anyone was naïve enough to see this as plain sailing, the conference quickly disabused them of it
Stephen Cox
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Quakers get real on same sex commitments
Stephen Cox News round-up
news@thefriend.org Protests over academic freedom
Roger Sanderson The last respectable prejudice
Diane Brewster Comment
Jez Smith & Roger Sawtell Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Loving and Losing Lilly
Eliza Johnston The animateur from the ambulance unit
Mike Jenn Can hope and history rhyme?
Susan Robson Seeds of change through song
Alec Davison William Penn School
Will Harris
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