Changing my vision of Christianity - preview
In the past six months I have been to two conferences at the Centre for Radical Christianity in Sheffield to hear John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg, the pre-eminent New Testament scholars who together wrote The Last Week The title of John Dominic Crossan's conference was: 'Paul; An Appealing or Appalling Apostle?' and the title of Borg's was: 'Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary'
Because I had been so excited, intellectually and devotionally, by The Last Week I was eager to see and hear Crossan and Borg – but not Paul I have not wanted much to do with Paul and my prejudices ran deep But I was thrilled by the talks, felt enlightened and am still excited; Crossan dramatically 'opened my eyes' and I want to know more
Celia James, Cambridge and Peterborough AM
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Oliver Robertson News round-up Yearly Meeting news extra Nominations – time for a rethink?
Dorothy Millichamp Comment
Alan Avery & Alan Russell Letters Welcome to Friends in Georgia
Libby Perkins & Julia Ryberg Quaker outreach in Europe
Richard Thompson Quaker traditions and Chinese cultural icons
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Judy Kirby Facilitation in Omagh
Olive Hobson Changing my vision of Christianity
Celia James, Cambridge and Peterborough AM
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