Being the seeds of change - preview
Infectious smiles were given out by the 5-7 year olds at the Sunday morning session of BYM
'The vision of a sustainable society is deeply linked to the whole of Quaker testimony We and the world need to be transformed' These challenging words were part of Julia Gordon's introduction
She continued, saying that planning for this session 'started out with the theme of climate change… we were very aware of the sense of panic many of us feel at trying to face this difficult and complex subject
'We didn't want lectures about the science… We didn't want to get mired in guilt, or to list easy things we can do to salve our consciences, or to hear cheering stories of Quaker projects
Trish Carn
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In this week's
online edition...
'The church that shakes in the wind of the spirit’ - full text
Marie Lasenby, North West London Area Meeting Yearly Meeting News Eyewitness to the Chinese earthquake
Patrick Wood Comment
Edward Blann & Janice Johnson A small change can make a big difference!
Minding the Future - review
Stevie Krayer Epistle from Britain Yearly Meeting
Signed in and on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting Deeper and Wider: Let’s turn ‘scared’ back into ‘sacred’
Being the seeds of change
Trish Carn
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
this issue
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