the friend online
30 May 2008

Britain Yearly Meeting

Deeper and Wider: Let’s turn ‘scared’ back into ‘sacred’ - preview

Song, psalm, poetry, reflection and exhortation led Friends on Saturday morning to an experience of unity in the Spirit. Here are some of the contributions

May the hush of this place

Drop like slow honey on wounded hearts…

May God lift up her skirts and dance with joy at being among friends

  • Blessing for our Meetings

    I helped run a Quaker Quest a few years ago
  • 'What have you got in common?' enquirers wanted to know

  • 'Through a process of continuing and continual discernment, we open ourselves to inward light and let it transform us, and then go out in the world and act from that place
  • '

    Felicity Kaal, Bristol AM, introducing the session

    This is a preview of the full article - to see the whole thing, or to post a comment you need to login, or alternatively you could try a free sample!


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    'The church that shakes in the wind of the spirit’ - full text
    Gerard Benson
    Marie Lasenby, North West London Area Meeting
    Yearly Meeting News
    Eyewitness to the Chinese earthquake
    Patrick Wood
    Edward Blann & Janice Johnson
    A small change can make a big difference!

    Minding the Future - review
    Stevie Krayer
    Epistle from Britain Yearly Meeting
    Signed in and on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting
    Deeper and Wider: Let’s turn ‘scared’ back into ‘sacred’

    Being the seeds of change
    Trish Carn

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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