The spirituality of running - preview
Tim Hather of West Somerset AM describes his experiences
Sitting still for an hour, waiting on God, isn't easy for me Meeting for Worship often finds me fidgeting, planning what I'll do in the afternoon, making mental shopping lists I am present in body and spirit but frequently with a mind like a tree full of juvenile monkeys
We all have our favoured spiritual practices, ones that 'speak to our condition' Some are more suited to our personalities than others In the past I have attended weekend silent retreats, and although they haven't been comfortable, I am glad to have had the experience Slowing down, both physically and mentally, is a considerable personal challenge
Tim Hather
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Arthur Pritchard, 14 April
My younger son is a final year student in Sports Studies and is working on a module on spirituality in sport. I shall be giving him a copy of your interesting piece. There is a growing literature on this subject. My other son has just run the London marathon and has described the process of settling into the run in meditative terms.
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The spirituality of running
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