Strengthening the British Quaker community - preview
Phil Lucas, clerk of Quaker Life Central Committee, reports on the launch of Quaker Life’s Supporting Meetings Network
The Quaker community which is Britain Yearly Meeting stands at a fascinating point in its history Most of us are now Friends by convincement, having found a spiritual home in an open and tolerant Religious Society which recognises the inadequacy of words to express deepest meaning and so bases its worship in silence, which seeks to demonstrate the belief that every person has access to the God, the Good, the Light which dwells within each one and which puts testimony, the practical living out of faith through action, at the very heart of faith The minority of us who have been raised in our Society and the many who have come home to it believe it is a living and changing tradition which is beautifully placed to meet the spiritual needs of seeking people in these turbulent times, of those who have understood that truth lies beyond simplistic certainties and can only be found by trying to live its values
Phil Lucas
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online edition...
Building links with Congo YM
Oliver Robertson News round-up Iglesia de los Amigos Caqeros
Kenya Casanova The catastrophe in Iraq
Layla Al Roomi Comment
Stevie Krayer & Michael Langford Letters Strengthening the British Quaker community
Phil Lucas Portraits of their era
Linda Murgatroyd Is violence part of our inevitable biology?
Barbara Forbes
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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