Letters - preview
I should like to remind Friends of the great potential of the Quaker Tapestry for outreach At the recent exhibition in Chester Cathedral, when thirty-nine panels were on display in a prime position, some 12,500 visits were made by members of the public – the highest ever in a period of four weeks The brilliantly lit new display with Quaker quotations and facts about our work and witness drew many people to stand for minutes studying it One day a dignitary of the cathedral came and spoke to a group of us (stewards) – just after he had been officiating at Communion – and said there had been fifteen people there – normally there were just seven! This was because the communicants were also visiting our exhibition He said how delighted they were to host the Tapestry Hundreds of Quaker leaflets were taken away, and we stewards were able to have some deep conversations about Quakerism with visitors
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Building links with Congo YM
Oliver Robertson News round-up
news@thefriend.org Iglesia de los Amigos Caqeros
Kenya Casanova The catastrophe in Iraq
Layla Al Roomi Comment
Stevie Krayer & Michael Langford Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Strengthening the British Quaker community
Phil Lucas Portraits of their era
Linda Murgatroyd Is violence part of our inevitable biology?
Barbara Forbes
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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