What makes God laugh? - preview
Peter Fishpool wonders whether the Long-term Framework is the right vehicle to launch Friends’ witness
I am reminded of the joke that Gillian Ashmore used to open her article (28 September) about the Long-term (six-year) Framework 'What makes God laugh most? Seeing someone making a plan' I felt the joke held an important truth
When I am presenting at Quaker Quest in Birmingham one of my affirmations is about the indivisibility of sacred and secular in the Quaker way We Quakers try to operate, recognising the divine thread that runs through all things, ever present with us A plan made up in human heads alone will not work well Only when we organise ourselves in such a way that recognises that the Creative Spirit may lead us in a surprising and unexpected direction, only then will our planning be full of wisdom
Peter Fishpool
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Is Liberal British Quakerism under threat?
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Kuldip Nayar The fourth plinth
Rowena Loverance Simply experiencing God in the moment
Jennifer Kavanagh, London West Area Meeting ‘You have to work very hard and lose all your friends’
Jamie Wrench What makes God laugh?
Peter Fishpool
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