the friend online
16 November 2007


‘You have to work very hard and lose all your friends’ - preview

Jamie Wrench asks: why do people write autobiographies?

A Journey of Hope, by Bob Parsons and Julia Childs, is available from Hope House, 14a, Queensway, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1LR at £5
  • 99 plus £1
  • 50 p&p
  • (Tel 0870 751 9861 )

    For Bob Parsons, whose autobiography landed on my doorstep recently, I suspect the motivation was simple
  • Bob and his wife Ann founded the charity Hope for Children, and he would dance naked down Hemel Hempstead High Street singing 'Show Me the way to Amarillo' if he thought it would raise a few quid
  • Probably

  • A Journey of Hope is the extraordinary story of an apparently ordinary man who has squeezed three times more into his seventy-odd years as the rest of us – and who isn't finished
  • It ends with the story of Hope, founded in 1994, and now a million-pound charity with 2,000 local community projects in ten countries, celebrity patrons, a donate-as-you-spend Mastercard, a Charity of the Year award and a ten year birthday celebration at Number 10 (yes, the Number 10)
  • It starts, however, in Balham, and in difficult circumstances

  • Jamie Wrench

    This is a preview of the full article - to see the whole thing, or to post a comment you need to login, or alternatively you could try a free sample!


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    Rowena Loverance
    Simply experiencing God in the moment
    Jennifer Kavanagh, London West Area Meeting
    ‘You have to work very hard and lose all your friends’
    Jamie Wrench
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