The cost of abstinence - preview
Does it take £1.8 million for each person addicted to drugs to get ‘clean’? Helena Chambers of Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs has the real answer
To read the headlines of certain newspapers recently, one would think so It was reported that only seventy new people had become abstinent from drugs, despite the extra £130 million allocated in the last two years The correction from the National Treatment Agency – which pointed out that there had actually been an increase of over 2,000 in those becoming drug-free – seems to be attracting rather less publicity Whilst the storm arose from a misinterpretation of the figures, some important questions remain
Helena Chambers
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News round-up Meeting for Sufferings - round-up The cost of abstinence
Helena Chambers Comment
Kathleen Bell & Malcolm Elliott Letters The Light of Christ in Romania
Richard Seebohm Taking responsibility
Tim Newell A resurrection
John Lampen Meeting of Friends in Wales – 27 October
Jane Harries On returning to Sufferings
Chas Raws I remember
Nick Matthews
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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