A world without accidents? - preview
Jeffery Smith looks at some of the implications of Health and Safety at work
After reading a recent article in The Friend (26 May) and a letter in response (8 June) my mind started to turn around on this important subject of health and safety at work (and elsewhere) Actually I think about it regularly as a structural engineer who both designs work and inspects buildings where work is underway or maybe called for due to being defective Fatal accidents occur in construction more than in almost any other industry In recent years procedures aimed at reducing accidents have become mandatory Hazards have to be identified, avoided wherever possible and dangers associated with them reduced
Jeffery Smith
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In this week's
online edition...
Aboriginal rights under attack
Alan Clayton Six walk free from Trident Ploughshares Prestwick Airfield trial
Sarah Lasenby Visas for the Triennial in Dublin
Jonathan Pim ‘Truth to power’ Quaker dismissed from South African government
news@thefriend.org Deportations to the Congo – truth, integrity and the threat to life and liberty
Margaret Johnston Comment
Trish Carn & Mkoko Boseka Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Prophets and Saviours
Doreen Dowd & Bill Medlin An excursion to Ballitore and Rosenallis
Some thoughts from the triennial
Naomi Kamimura & Beatrice Chahilu A world without accidents?
Jeffery Smith
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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