An excursion to Ballitore and Rosenallis - preview
According to the leaflet we received on our excursion, 'in 1652 William Edmundson, an English wool trader, former Cromwellian solier and subsequently convinced Quaker, settled in Ulster There he set up the firs Quaker Meeting in Ireland He moved to a farm at Rosenallis in 1659 and presented land for a burial ground to Friends Together with other Quaker preachers and in collaboration with George Fox, Edmundson established for the Religious Society of Friends in Ireland a structure that has changed very little in the ensuing years
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In this week's
online edition...
Aboriginal rights under attack
Alan Clayton Six walk free from Trident Ploughshares Prestwick Airfield trial
Sarah Lasenby Visas for the Triennial in Dublin
Jonathan Pim ‘Truth to power’ Quaker dismissed from South African government Deportations to the Congo – truth, integrity and the threat to life and liberty
Margaret Johnston Comment
Trish Carn & Mkoko Boseka Letters Prophets and Saviours
Doreen Dowd & Bill Medlin An excursion to Ballitore and Rosenallis
Some thoughts from the triennial
Naomi Kamimura & Beatrice Chahilu A world without accidents?
Jeffery Smith
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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most recent comments:
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The centrality of worship, Andrew Hatton, Maldon LM, Essex
In the care of the Meeting?, chrissie hinde
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