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Dangerous Knowledge
A David Malone film shown on BBC Four, 8 August 2007
Critics are renowned for rubbishing television 'entertainment' So when Thomas Sutcliffe the Independent's TV critic headlined his piece about this film – 'This was so good, I didn't want it to end', I thought he was being ironic
But no, as he went on to explain Impressed by the weaving of thought and imagery, he was captivated by David's 'beautiful economy' and the film's 'stylistic unity'
This is a film about the dangers of stretching the boundaries of what we know It shows the labours of four men driven by their pursuit of knowledge Working on the very edge of what was known and publishing their extraordinary findings with incontrovertible proof, they attracted the wrath of their colleagues and drove themselves to despair Why? Because they challenged the certainties of established thought, rocking to destruction the foundations of their discipline Madness or suicide followed But in remaining faithful to their craft they cleared the way for others, for instance, to unlock the secrets of the atom and the universe
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Can Quakers be prophets?
Judy Kirby Pre-Triennial impressions from Moyallon
News round-up What canst thou say? Conscience and the law
Harvey Gillman Comment
Laurie Michaelis & Jenny Moy Letters Finding the prophetic voice
Lizz Roe Arts miscellany Leading the gangmasters towards an end to exploitation
Paul Whitehouse Two Caravans
Elisabeth Carnall Agricultural worker developments
Stan Nattrass National Quaker Week: a great opportunity
Anne van Staveren
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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