the friend online
08 June 2007

Response needed to draft climate change bill - preview

Laurie Michaelis reminds us of the need to respond to the draft bill by 12 June

Quakers in Britain are beginning to get our heads around what it might mean to develop a corporate response to climate change
  • It isn't just about getting projects going in one of our central departments
  • Nor is it just about Quakers letting our lives speak
  • Our Quaker witness will take many forms, coming from many places within our community
  • But it will help us to connect those forms of witness together – so it's exciting that Meeting for Sufferings will be taking up climate change as one of its first few “themes” later this year
  • Meanwhile, there's something you can do this week to be part of our Quaker voice
  • I'm asking you, if you can get access to the internet, to send in a response to the government's draft climate change bill

  • Laurie Michaelis

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    Meeting for Sufferings
    Take any issue of recent public concern
    Alan Ray-Jones
    Helen Drewery & Symon Hill
    A mock courtroom with real potential
    Simon Evans
    Paul: the resurrection
    Rowena Loverance
    Response needed to draft climate change bill
    Laurie Michaelis
    Enjoyable Sufferings?
    Laura Wirtz

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