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Merely daydreaming?
Listening to the recent debate, sparked off by Jim Gamble of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, about how best to deal with the huge numbers of people being caught with indecent images of children on their computers, I was reminded of a fascinating conversation I had a few weeks ago It was with Tink Palmer, Director of the organisation 'Stop It Now!' Fascinating but saddening She was talking to me because of my work in QPSW with Circles of Support and Accountability, the project which works with released sex offenders and small groups of trained volunteers We were reflecting on the reasons why there is so much silence around the issue of child sexual abuse
Helen Drewery & Symon Hill
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Sabi Redwood, 15 June
I would like to comment on Helen Drewery's comment piece 'Merely daydreaming'. I share her views on the lack of safe places for adults to talk about their fears about the behaviour of other people towards children, or indeed fears about their own sexual desires about children. We need to think about ways in which we can encourage potential offenders to come forward for help before they abuse children. Sadly, so many adult offenders were childhood victims themselves. However, internet child pornography is not harmless 'day dreaming', not for the children who were abused to produce the pictures that are then uploaded onto the internet. People using these sites create an ever increasing demand for ever increasingly violent images for which children are abused and photographed. Thus they contribute to child abuse and further crimes.
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News round-up Meeting for Sufferings Take any issue of recent public concern
Alan Ray-Jones Comment
Helen Drewery & Symon Hill Lettersed A mock courtroom with real potential
Simon Evans Paul: the resurrection
Rowena Loverance Response needed to draft climate change bill
Laurie Michaelis Enjoyable Sufferings?
Laura Wirtz
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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