the friend online
27 April 2007


Letters - preview
Queries for a long-time Attender
I am grateful for Michael Oppenheim's open and stimulating explanation of why he remains an attender (23 March)
  • But has he repeatedly discussed these things over the years with elders (as Janet Gilbraith (6 April) suggests) and with other seasoned Friends? If so, I would have expected a more flexible understanding of Christianity and of the Society's relationship to it

  • On whether God talks to us directly, and on the nature of inspiration, I commend William Littleboy's 20-page classic The Appeal of Quakerism to the Non-mystic, and notably his thoughts in section 82 of Christian Faith and Practice (1960)
  • All my life I have been deaf: deaf to the voice of God, in the meeting for worship or anywhere else; but convinced, after listening to Friends and talking with them, that it's a matter of my deafness, not their delusion
  • People born blind take on trust that the world they do not see can be seen; I take on trust that God's voice, which I do not hear, can be heard
  • Littleboy's words have been invaluable to me
  • Has Michael read them yet?

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