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What good are cars?
Cars Nasty polluting things Get rid of your car and take public transport If you can't manage to do that, buy a smaller car and drive it less often So goes the advice from the environmentalists today and very sound it is too
So how can the car possibly be a spiritual resource? I was reminded of its possibilities by a remark made by Barbara Windle at a recent Woodbrooke conference for elders and overseers She was talking about how she would use her twenty-minute drive to work every morning as a time for spiritual reflection I have certainly had the experience that, on a journey I know well, cocooned from the outside noise and without the radio playing, the rhythmic motion and automatic engagement of hands and brain can free the mind and spirit to be elsewhere in a creative way It is a little similar to being in the bath or swimming: body relaxed, no book or radio Ideas, thoughts come, solutions to problems seemingly appear from nowhere
Susie Paskins & Michael Oppenheim
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Robbie Spence, 24 April
Re car-sharing, please see - National liftshare Day - June 14th 2007- Raising awareness of car sharing as a viable form of transport. Includes maps and information on car sharing, traffic and public transportation.
In this week's
online edition...
Epistle from Junior Yearly Meeting 2007
Junior Yearly Meeting Diversity
Junior Yearly Meeting News round-up Experiencing ageing
Peggy Heeks Comment
Susie Paskins & Michael Oppenheim Letters Our duties and science
Ian Flintoff The pointlessness of torture
Paul Whitehouse A book for everyone
Oliver Roberton Quaker involvement brought to life
Faith not labels
Stephen Cox Quaker Quest as ‘inreach’
Mary Hopkins
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
this issue
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most recent comments:
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