the friend online
11 April 2007

Caring afterwards - preview

Barbara Henderson reports how Ron Cowels and the Breckenbrough School After Care committee look at what is needed when boys leave their sheltered school environment

Breckenbrough School is seventy-three years old this year
  • It has educated and cared for some 600 pupils with emotional difficulties during its existence and they are still out there in the world struggling for existence like the rest of us
  • The only difference is that they started out with or at a disadvantage

  • Where Breckenbrough used to be designated as a school for boys with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD), it now caters for ten- to seventeen-year-old boys with more precisely diagnosed conditions like Aspergers Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

  • Barbara Henderson

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    A Friendly farewell
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    Caring afterwards
    Barbara Henderson
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    ‘No Shame, no fear’
    Miranda Chadkirk, Luton & Leighton MM

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