Those harmed by crime... - preview
‘Justice goes out of the window when sandwiched between ‘Criminal’ and ‘System’, it is damaging, hugely costly and does not work!’ Melanie Jameson reports from a stimulating weekend
Quakers In Criminal Justice (QICJ) Annual Conference
A consideration of 'those harmed by crime' was the challenge we set ourselves last weekend when we assembled in Glenthorne It emerged that all of us had committed an offence of some sort and most of us had been victims of crime Many offenders have been victims of crime themselves So the distinctions between victim and offender blur
Two emergent topics refocused our weekend Firstly, J was to have led a session on his release from prison Unfortunately a painful pattern repeated itself: unable to face the challenge of life outside, J absconded from prison, giving himself up a few hours later His letter explained: 'I'm afraid to go out In my heart I know I don't want to'
Melanie Jameson
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In this week's
online edition...
Government Announces Trident Replacement Debate/Vote
CND URGENT ACTION BULLETIN News round-up Those harmed by crime...
Melanie Jameson Peace is not a dirty word
Jaci Smith A Catholic speaks for Quakers
Clifford Longley Letters New ways of speaking our truth today
Alec Davison, Susan Seymour, and Geoffrey Durham Woolman’s Witness
Joy Paul The class of ’45
Pam Manasseh A journey begun in winter
John Hencher
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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