the friend online
02 March 2007

Government Announces Trident Replacement Debate/Vote

> Wednesday 14 March
> CND has called an emergency parliamentary lobby for this date, as well as
> an emergency rally in Parliament Square from 6-8 pm on 14 March.
> The government has announced that a debate on Trident replacement will
> take place in the House of Commons on Wednesday 14 March from 12:40 -
> 7:00 pm, with a vote coming immediately after the debate.
> The debate and vote comes even though the government promised there would
> be a consultation on the issue. The government simply issued its White
> Paper and has thus far ignored all calls for debate.
> What can you do?
> 1. Come to the emergency lobby in London on the 14th - It is
> essential you let your MP know that you oppose Trident replacement, and
> talking to her/him in person is the best way to get your point across.
> Contact your MP now to schedule an appointment either in London or at the
> local surgery.
> 2. Attend the emergency rally in Parliament Square on the 14th of
> March - Our presence in Parliament Square on the day of the debate and
> vote is vital to show the government the level of public opposition to
> Trident replacement. The rally will take place from 6-8 pm, but we also
> need to have a presence in the Square, with banners and placards,
> throughout the debate. Click here for a list of other anti-Trident events
> happening on vote day.
> 3. Encourage your MP to sign EDM 579 today - EDM 579 calls on the
> government to extend the period of consultation on Trident to allow all
> points of view to be heard. To date 142 MPs have signed this Early Day
> Motion. Click here to read the EDM and see if your MP has signed. If not,
> contact her/him today! Please let us know what your MP has to say on this
> issue - email or ring 0207 700 2393.
> 4. Plan an event in your community - If you can't make it to London
> on 14th March for the emergency lobby and rally, please plan an event for
> that day in your community. Click here for a list of local and regional
> CND groups which may be able to help in your planning.
> 5. Write a letter to the newspaper - The letters to the editor page
> is one of the most widely-read pages of any newspaper. Please take a few
> minutes to write to the editor of the paper you read (local and/or
> national) explaining why MPs must reject the government's plans for
> Trident replacement. Click here for letter writing tips, which include
> key facts on Trident replacement.
> ALSO - Watch CND Chair Kate Hudson debate Defence Secretary Des Browne
> TONIGHT at 8pm on More 4. Excerpts from the debate will be shown on
> Channel 4 News at 7pm.



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Government Announces Trident Replacement Debate/Vote
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