No charges pending in Quaker college brawl - preview
Why did this happen here? – Guilford seeks to understand campus fracas
Police in North Carolina have dropped charges against members of the Guilford College football team after a campus fight which left three former pupils of Friends' School, Ramallah, seriously injured
The Friend understands that police are waiting for the results of the College's own investigation before deciding whether to pursue charges The FBI have also been conducting enquiries into the incident
The affair was widely reported in the American press, amid allegations that knuckledusters and bricks were used in the assault At the College, students reacted angrily More than 250 walked out of their classes, protesting at 'racism on the campus' Public vigils have been organised by students, along with Meetings for Worship to uphold the injured pupils
Simon Risley
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No charges pending in Quaker college brawl
Simon Risley News round-up No opt-out for justice
Stephen Cox Comment
Judy Kirby & Kate Bellwood Letters Tom Fox, Friends’ ecclesiology and the ‘Quaker wide web’
Chuck Fager Finding Friend
Laurie Kruczek The internet for very beginners
Clare-Marie White Feeding the curious
Richard Hilken
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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