the friend online
02 February 2007


Population – two views - preview
I was glad to see the special issue of The Friend (5 January) on the subject of climate change, but was disappointed that one aspect of the global crisis was not mentioned
  • I refer to population
  • While of course general greed and over-consumption are major causes of the situation, it is not helped by the fact of nearly a quarter of a million more mouths to feed every day
  • This is about a billion every twelve years
  • The often quoted UN medium projection for 2050 is 9
  • 1 billion, but this can only be an approximation: the lowest projection is for 7
  • 4bn, and the highest as much as 11bn, rising rapidly

  • Roger Plenty & Volker Heine

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    In this week's online edition... rss edition

    International Edition: Letter from Iran
    Emily Johns
    Country of the Week: South Korea

    News round-up
    Doomsday Clock moves two minutes closer to midnight
    Acting under Concern: my own experience
    Simon Risley
    Richard Hilken & Michael Woolliscroft
    Population – two views
    Roger Plenty & Volker Heine
    Learning to live with mental illness
    Peter Ells
    The pulse of truth
    Stevie Krayer
    Quaker mysticism: a bridge to Islam
    Reg Naulty
    Whittier at 200
    Simon Webb
    Putting testimony to the test
    Alec Davison
    International Edition: Quakers enter Korea (1953)
    George W Whiteman
    International Edition: 509 messages from Friends in Korea (1973)

    International Edition: Comments on Friends' activities in the Republic of Korea (1960)
    Arthur [Red] Mitchell

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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