the friend online
19 January 2007


John Hamilton: politician with a heart - preview
John Hamilton, whose death has been reported, was a man whose experiences as leader of Liverpool City Council in the 1980s highlighted the dilemmas facing any Quaker entering into serious politics in conflictual situations

  • Politics is about the distribution of power and resources; none of the Quaker testimonies can be taken forward without involvement in political action
  • Is campaigning for change enough? Is it sufficient to tell hands-on politicians what they ought to do? Is it possible to get deeply involved in party politics and remain true to one's beliefs?

    Peter Smith

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    In this week's online edition... rss edition

    International Edition: Multifaith and hope in the West Bank
    Jane Garrett, Leeds MM & Jenny Bell, West Somerset MM
    International Edition: a visit to the West Bank
    Alan and Pauline York
    International Edition: Promoting non-violence in the West Bank
    Gerald Conyngham
    International Edition: Report from the Middle East
    Franco Perna
    Countries of the Week: Israel & Palestine

    Conciliation work in Nagaland
    Sarah Alldred, Hardshaw East MM
    News round-up
    Green living may not be so simple – or is it?
    Andrew Hughes Nind
    Edward Hoare & Judy Kirby
    Silence and patience
    Susie Paskins
    Why gay people should be welcome in churches
    Stephen Cox
    A portrait of George Fox
    Simon Webb
    John Hamilton: politician with a heart
    Peter Smith

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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    Some more equal than others?, anonymous poster
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    The centrality of worship, Andrew Hatton, Maldon LM, Essex
    In the care of the Meeting?, chrissie hinde
    Lockerbie grief and justice, Jennifer Barraclough
    The centrality of worship, Peter Arnold
    The top ten reasons (plus three) why bottled water is a blessing, Fee Berry
    Letters, David Hitchin
    Marriage and committed relationships, Fee Berry
    George Fox and same gender partnership, Chris Bagley
    Marriage and committed relationships, Chris Bagley
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    Meeting for ‘weorthscipe’?, Gerard Guiton
    Report shows that all is not well in multicultural Britain, chrissie hinde
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