A portrait of George Fox - preview
Simon Webb describes a forgotten play by George Bernard Shaw
2006 went by with little fuss about the 150th anniversary of the birth of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) For much of the first half of the 20th century, the prestige of the Dublin-born playwright and political activist could hardly have been greater: he must have seemed firmly lodged in the literary pantheon Shaw wrote a very large number of plays, but today is chiefly remembered for 'Pygmalion', the source for the popular musical, 'My Fair Lady' His very brave play about prostitution, 'Mrs Warren's Profession' (1893), had to wait nine years to be put on stage, but is also well-respected today
Simon Webb
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Susie Paskins Why gay people should be welcome in churches
Stephen Cox A portrait of George Fox
Simon Webb John Hamilton: politician with a heart
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