the friend online
12 January 2007

Faith in our lives - creating circles of community - preview

Adrian Glamorgan is seeking to create a circle of community

As in Quakers, we could begin with the shape of our Meeting
  • Sitting in a circle, all see and can be seen
  • Like spiritual knights, we are together as equals at the round table; anyone's wisdom can nourish the many, and we serve something far greater than material power
  • Yet emphatically our way is peace
  • We will not coerce a single person
  • We know of no problem decisively solved with the sword

  • Much of this round togetherness is in communal silence
  • We are not hermits, yet there is something reclusive in this Quaker way, facing inwardly into this circle
  • We shape into the circle in order to be restored within, but then we expand outwards, into the world
  • To remind us, even the letter Q in Quaker has a circle in it, and a little more than a circle too
  • It is the tail of the Q that leaves and moves back into the circle
  • It is to our Meeting, facing each other, we return
  • It is to and from the world we go

  • Adrian Glamorgan

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