A reflection from the new Yearly Meeting trustees - preview
Those Friends who were at Meeting for Sufferings in October, focusing as they were on the future role of MfS, would have read amongst their papers the first minutes of the new Yearly Meeting trustees We had met residentially in September in London, and this was the first opportunity for us to meet each other We had been names on paper, other than where Friends knew each other from other Quaker or indeed non-Quaker involvement
If this were a sensationalist publication no doubt the headlines would read something on the lines of 'Historic Meeting for the New Trustees: Setting Out the Future Agenda' Naturally the meeting did no such thing, and even though, in terms of the Yearly Meeting, this was a historic occasion, the most important thing we did was to see each other's faces, and then consider our new role in the light of what was expected of us and indeed said about us All of us were very clear about the expectations and statements made during Yearly Meeting, and in that light understood that the trust placed in us had to be made visible in the way we would develop our work and relationships across the whole of the Yearly Meeting, bearing always in mind that the Yearly Meeting has already developed well proven pathways and methods to do its work
BYM trustees
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International Edition: Peaceroots
Lorna Watson International Edition: Making Terrorism History
Anthony Wilson, Staffordshire MM Country of the Week: Madagascar
The Friend launches on Exact Editions
News round-up
news@thefriend.org A reflection from the new Yearly Meeting trustees
BYM trustees Time to take a fresh look at equality
Michael Bartlet Comment
Judy Kirby & Trish Carn Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Faith in our lives - rekindling spontaneous worship
Janette M Denley Faith in our lives - creating circles of community
Adrian Glamorgan A helpful reminder: guns are bad
Caroline Westgate Africa now
Theresa Watts Ending violence
Brian Hodkinson Sharing the thin places
Peter Fishpool
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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