the friend online
05 January 2007

Preserving the natural environment: wildlife gardening - preview

Reg Snowdon of Northumbria MM tells us how to make a difference where we are

There is an outside chance that humanity may stop the overheating of the planet and preserve our natural environment
  • But excess carbon dioxide is not the only product of industrialisation we need to watch out for
  • Intensive farming is an efficient destroyer of wildlife; and, unless we find ways to conserve and restore Earth's green mantle, there will be no natural environment worth preserving

  • Only fifty yards from our garden gate there is a bridle path leading directly into open farmland
  • Over the last half-century, walking our dog, we have seen hedges grubbed-up together with their primroses, the disappearance of lapwings and skylarks, unimproved pasture replaced by well-drained arable land and a prairie-like monoculture of oil-seed rape or short-stemmed barley
  • There is no particular moment when I realised that the countryside of my childhood had gone forever; fields of cowslips I used to walk through on my way home from school; the corncrakes I listened to just over our garden fence in County Durham, now completely banished from mainland Britain
  • In fifty years, we have lost ninety-eight per cent of our flower-rich meadows and 200,000 miles of hedgerows
  • Every year each English county loses one species of wildflower

  • Reg Snowdon

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    Preserving the natural environment: wildlife gardening
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