the friend online
22 December 2006


Welcome to Quaker Writers, the new Friend adventure - preview
It's now official – The Friend has launched a Quaker Writers' Group
  • After Ian J Prior wrote in the magazine (29 July) that he needed support when working creatively, other Quaker writers responded
  • We gave them an experimental group email to talk to each other

  • Not all writers need support
  • Some would say that writers should not be seeking 'comfort zones' because the creative impulse is born out of discomfort
  • But it can be a lonely pursuit and a wave of recognition from a passing kindred soul can make all the difference, and a sharing of experience may lead to improved technique

  • This is a preview of the full article - to see the whole thing, or to post a comment you need to login, or alternatively you could try a free sample!


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    In this week's online edition... rss edition

    News round-up

    Clare Marie White
    Crocodiles & cobras for the Christmas holidays
    Rowena Loverance
    An orthodox Christian perspective on Christmas
    Ian J Prior
    Thoughts from the river
    Barbara Mitchels
    Welcome to Quaker Writers, the new Friend adventure

    Quakers & Buddhists together
    Clare Griffin
    The Grimké sisters
    John Lampen
    Doing December Differently
    Judy Kirby
    Be ye doers of the word…
    David Boulton
    Joshua Whiting: citizen, countryman & Quaker
    David Firth
    Christmas Spirit
    Sally Aspden
    Philani’s work
    Fiona Burtt

    Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...

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    most recent comments:
    Letters, Ala
    Quaker approach to business under the spotlight, David Hitchin
    Tackling the pay gap from both ends, anonymous poster
    Some more equal than others?, anonymous poster
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    Climate Camp experience, Frances Laing
    The centrality of worship, Andrew Hatton, Maldon LM, Essex
    In the care of the Meeting?, chrissie hinde
    Lockerbie grief and justice, Jennifer Barraclough
    The centrality of worship, Peter Arnold
    The top ten reasons (plus three) why bottled water is a blessing, Fee Berry
    Letters, David Hitchin
    Marriage and committed relationships, Fee Berry
    George Fox and same gender partnership, Chris Bagley
    Marriage and committed relationships, Chris Bagley
    Meeting for meditation?, Barry
    Meeting for ‘weorthscipe’?, Gerard Guiton
    Report shows that all is not well in multicultural Britain, chrissie hinde
    Johann Sebastian Bach and the Jews, Peter Arnold
    Prisons: our growth industry, Peer Arnold

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